About KathyReps
Creative. Experienced. Collaborative.
KATHYREPS is a boutique artist agency representing a collective of artists with a variety of aesthetic styles and creative approaches to support the imagery needs of agency, corporate, brand, and non-profit clients. Our team of photographers and video creators constantly strive to push their unique styles forward while still making client objectives top priority.
Meet Kathy McGuire-Mullins
As the founder of KATHYREPS, Kathy has over 30 years’ experience working at advertising agencies, production houses, and as a connector for creative employment. In her role as photography and motion artist representative for nearly 10 years, she has chosen to work with visionary, dynamic professionals who see beyond the shot list in order to capture extraordinary moments.
Kathy believes in quality - both in work and relationships. She was drawn to this group of artists not just for their talent, or awards, but for their character. They are a fun, hard-working collection of craftsmen who constantly strive to push their unique styles forward while still making client objectives top priority.
The Company We Keep
Allen Edmonds Ameren Anheuser-Busch AT&T Ballantine's Whisky Doner Agency Barnes Jewish Hospital Bayer BeLeaf Medical Biggie Smalls Big Heart Tea Brinkmann Construction Caleres Cannonball Agency Centene Corporation Dakota Grizzly Drury Hotels Elanco Forest Park Forever Gateway Arch Geile/Leon HLK Agency Instinct Pet Foods McDonalds Mercy Health Missouri Historical Society Momentum Worldwide The Muny Naturalizer New Belgium Brewing The North Face Oberweis Dairy Opera Theatre of St. Louis Paradowski Creative Propaganda Purina Rodgers Townsend Sandbox Creative Smoothie King Spire Switch Agency St. Louis University Washington University Wells Fargo